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Baby not sleeping?
Get help today.

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Bubba bedtime is here to help!

Hi, I'm Aprilla, a certified Baby & Infant Sleep Consultant at Bubba Bedtime. With my experience working with hundreds of babies and tired families, I'm dedicated to providing professional support and guidance to help parents get their little ones' sleep back on track.

Baby Sleeping Help

We help with babies’ sleep of all ages

Looking for assistance and guidance with your baby's sleep?
Choose your baby's age below to access tailored advice and insights, including tips for sleep training baby.
Each age group provides valuable tips and resources to support you in initiating
baby sleep training and establishing healthy sleep routines for your little one.


0-16 Weeks

During the newborn stage, we take a different approach to sleep, considering the delicate nature of their developing sleeping patterns. Instead of rigid traditional methods and newborn sleep training we offer gentler newborn sleeping help, and flexible strategies. Our goal is to nurture healthy newborn sleep habits with tailored guidance and support with our Newborn sleep Programs.


4-8 Months

Is your little one struggling to adjust to their new sleeping pattern? Are they frequently waking? Whatever your sleep concern, we can assist you in making your baby’s sleep better and forming healthy sleep habits that will last a lifetime.


8 - 18 Months

Waking frequently at night? Hard to settle for naps and bedtime? Need to establish a routine? We are here to support and help you guide your baby through the nap transitions and any sleep struggles.


19 months - 5 Years

Sleep training Toddler: Common sleep concerns for toddlers include bedtime battles, nap refusal, nightly & early wake-ups, and more. If this sounds like your situation, let’s make the change and get your toddler’s sleep back on track with effective sleep training methods specifically designed for toddlers and tailored to their needs with toddler sleeping tips.


Programs & Packages

Our Sleep Programs cover all your baby sleep needs

Our comprehensive Baby Sleep Programs will address every element of your baby’s sleep and ways to improve it. Filled with helpful tips and advice, these baby sleep programs are dedicated to assisting parents in successfully sleep training baby.


 Helpful Advice

Filled with a wealth of free advice on baby sleep, your sleep teacher Aprilla provides valuable information to address your baby's sleep concerns.


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 Want your sleep back?